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Newham u3a

learn, laugh, live

From Art to Yoga

With so many interest groups, what will you choose?

Find out more

Welcome to Newham u3a

Newham u3a - we launched in October 2024!

How to Join

Find membership details here.

Interest Groups

What are you going to choose?

u3a Benefits

Joining your local u3a is a great way to find and develop new interests and make friends in a relaxed environment. It doesn’t cost much to join a u3a near where you live, usually less than £20.

Reasons to join:

  • Make a difference, stay active, keep learning and have fun
  • Get out to meet face to face – learning together and making the most of life
  • Access to online learning, training and resources to inspire you. Members can attend learning events and talks for free
  • Meet other people with similar interests: learn new things and share your skills

Talks and Events Online

u3a Online Events

Information About u3a Online Talks

London Region of U3AsOnline Talks on Zoom Jan-Mar 202517.30-18.30 (Log on from 17.00) on Zoom

Monday February 3rd   
Alan Freeland: Our human instinct for language

Monday March 3rd
IQ² Cultural Debate: ‘Brave New World’ vs ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’
17.30-18.45    Q&A/discussions  follow to 19.00


Friday 25th April 2025
10.00-16.00 (Registration from 10.00)
Venue: Lift Islington, 45 White Lion Street, London N1 9PW
Closest Station - Angel Underground 5 minute walk


AI has been around since the 1950’s, but has recently leapt into prominence in the news with comments ranging from praise for its astonishing benefits to alarming stories of the end of humanity. With the UK government’s new announcement about a national AI initiative we need more than ever to understand what AI means for the world, for organisations and for us as individuals.
If you have tried AI and found the results underwhelming, this workshop will explain why and how you may choose to make AI your assistant.

We will explore what AI is and how it works, provide case studies of its application, discuss the issues and challenges, and offer demonstrations of AI tools that are available to all u3a members. The event is hosted by London Region of U3As, but led by members of the Third Age Trust’s ‘AI for Everyone Team’.

Further information about the programme will be disseminated at the end of February with a link to the application form. Bookings launch 28th February 2025

For assistance please email bookings.lru3a@gmail.com

Newham u3a